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A Beauty On Disturbed

Chasing by the light of the moon
Sweet smell of smoke break
Crazy like a drugs
Thunder come by the news
Leave the safety place for a moment
Throught the long way out
Forget a moment for a while
Crazy and crazy
Lunatic, fanatic, and stupid
Giving up on a purpose
Break down all the line
Trying figure out
That all what we thought still in our thought
Hoping a moment of healthiness
Would be long forever or not
Only one journey by the time
Another will be long long journey
For many years
Take it or leave it
Easy way out or not
Hard to take in mind
But still need time to asking why
Together in loneliness
But hopely forever in own side one day
Today might be good
Tomorrow who knows the rule
I take it to go out the way
I take the road to step and tell my next story
Tomorrow will be tomorrow
Tomorrow new history will come
But would be all your confusion will mislead you
To your dreaming future
Or let it guiding you to new history of your life
Your life is beauty as you saw a wonderful day
Consfusing just one of the many distraction that you have in the way


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