How funny the tittle is... but that's the truth. From taking a good sleep here comes the idea... and I write it down. No special formula, no special action. Just sleep... That's all.
I am not a big social person... like had lots of friends to hang out everyday. That is my big NO. I work everyday like used to be. .. Seven hours a day. Six days in a week. Day or maybe night shift. Meeting the same person everyday. Meeting the same problem everyday. And by the time I get home... the only thing I can do just lay down on my bed. I feel tired all day long... Not because I done some heavy lifting work... it just my mind feel tired to have same condition everyday.... What am I talking about.. I supposed to talk about Sleep, Idea, and Write.
Mostly the scripts that I wrote is finish in my bed. I red it, I revised it, I rewrote it.... All I do was on my bed. The most comfortable place for me to write.. so when I had no idea to continue just closed my eyes and having a good dream. Sometime I dream about story that I wrote. Or maybe sometime I just pretend in my mind to get include in the situation that I write. And by then the idea will come again and I wake up and write it again.
Actually, even I am not sleep... the idea still come to me in different way. I think I can say that I am a thinker. Because I loved to think... wait, do we need to love to thinking about something? Idk. So, I meant that I always think about other story that might be happened if the 'IF' things happened. Like I watch a movie... like SAFE HAVEN. That's perfect story about how Colbie Smulder comes to that woman that might become her husband future love. I think about it. How if I wrote a story that included some kind of mistery like that. Adding some magical covered by movie of COLLATERAL BEAUTY... and also adding some story from a song that I love to hear. That's all 'IF' things happened. How if that... How if this...etc. And I write about all those IF. And honestly truly... I did that.. I wrote a movie script about those all IF things situation. It is about three or maybe four years ago. And I still working on it. To make sure people won't get confused when they read it.
Oh God, even I write this log now. I am thinking about my bed. How bad is it? I am in my work shift... using my break time to write this post.
Okay.... that's what I say about SLEEP, IDEA, and WRITE. The key is my BED. My tiny and comfort bed. I love it.